Never Again, Michele Bardsley

Title: Never Again (Wizards of Nevermore) released March 1, 2011 ; 320 pages Author: Michele Bardsley Redonk Nutshell: Tormented hero falls for sister of his tormentor Official Synopsis: Lucinda Rackmore is a witch cursed.  Desperation sends her to the last place anyone would think to find her … the small Dragon-protected town of Nevermore, Texas. […]

American Vampire, Jennifer Armintrout

Title: American Vampire Author: Jennifer Armintrout Redonk Nutshell: Smart ass vampire gets stuck in a cursed podunk town Official Synopsis: Buried in the Heartland is a town that no one enters or leaves. Graf McDonald somehow becomes its first visitor in more than five years…and he was only looking for a good party. Unfortunately, Penance, […]