Here at The Raunch Dilettante we revel in all that is raunchy, be it literature (or “lit-er-a-toor” if you’re fancy), music, film or pop culture.  Nothing is safe All is welcome!  I wanted to do some sort of best-of list, but I wanted to keep it somewhat…er…unique.  So, without much further ado, I present THE RAUNCHIES!  Raunchies are awarded to works that had a resounding influence throughout 2011, be it good or bad.

Let’s start with Pop Culture, shall we?


Most Influential Badass of 2011

Adele – she’s got swagger and she knows it.  The woman can sing.  Her album, 21, has set the bar and raised standards for the music industry, proving that electronically processed  music has some serious competition.  She’s smart, quirky, and doesn’t give a fig about what people say about her. Yet, mind you, she has her sh*t together. No boozing or drugs for her.  She’s got sass and class.  She doesn’t rely on gimmicks or autotune.  She rocks on long after the party’s over, baby.

Adele is a force to be reckoned with.



Most Ridiculous Pop Icon that Needs to Go Away

The Kardashians – if you watch this show I’m seriously wondering if I need to hunt you down and smack you with a rolled up newspaper, like some puppy who just wee’d itself in the corner of the living room.  Just…NO.  Why we as a society are fascinated with people who do nothing to contribute to the greater good (though I’m sure they keep the unemployment rate low with how many Photoshop artists they have to keep on hand), I’ll never understand.





Wicked Awesome Premiere TV Show of 2011

Game of Thrones – I chose this show for a few reasons.  I’m a fan of Epic and Game of Thrones seriously has that going on.  Another reason?  They’re as true to the books as you can possibly get, likely because George R. R. Martin is so involved.  How often can you say that?  Um, never.  Another reason? Peter Dinklage is awesome.  Oh.  And Moobs (that’s for you, Mandi).





Fearless Actor/Actress  Breakout of 2011

Michael Fassbender – aka MichaelfuckingFassbender.  This guy’s been EVERYWHERE this year!  I first took notice of him in 300 (“you had to say it!? We’ll fight in the shade!).  Then I saw him in Fish Tank.  Then Centurion.  Then his voice haunted me while hubs played Fable III.  Then came 2011, the year everyone else seemed to sit up and take notice.  Ahem.  Let’s see: X-Men First Class, Jane Eyre, Shame, Haywire….my boy is everywhere!  And he’s getting Oscar buzz!  About fracking time! So here’s to you, Fassie.  *hands over Raunchie*





Fearless Actor/Actress that needs to Calm. Down.











Now onto Books:

YA Book that Rocked my Face Off

The Iron Queen by Julie Kagawa










Most Likely to Re-Read into Oblivion

Curio by Cara McKenna










Most Likely Book I’d Obnoxiously Force Upon Others

A Courtesan’s Guide to Getting Your Man by Celeste Bradley & Susan Donovan










Fantasy Book that I Expected to Be “meh” but was Actually Kick Ass Amazing

Dragon Bound by Thea Harrison










Series that Made Me Laugh, Cry, and Holla






The Turner Series by Courtney Milan



Book that Kept the Hubs Awake Because I Couldn’t Stop Laughing

First Grave on the Right by Darynda Jones










Book that Got a lot of Hubbub but left me Scratching my Head

A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness










Book Most Likely to Drive Readers Bat Shit Crazy with Obsession 

Fifty Shades of Grey by E L James











Five Books of 2011 that Gave me the Warm Fuzzies


Five Books of 2011 that Made me Grumpy:


What were your favorites from 2011?  Who was your favorite Hero and Heroine?

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